“Catastrophic Failure” on deleting a BackupExec Backup to Disk Volume

Recently ran into an issue which required me to remove and re-add the Backup to Disk location within Backup Exec. However when I tried to remove the location Backup Exec popped up with “catastrophic error”.

  1. Download and install the Microsoft SQL Server 2012 Management tools (found here).
  2. Go to Backup Exec – Configuration and Settings – Backup Exec Services -Stop all services, or, stop all the services from the Services.msc console
  3. Stop the SQL Server Servoce
  4. Go to the C:\Program Files\Symantec (or Veritas)\Backup Exec\Data folder and take a copy of the .mdb and .mdf files.
  5. Open SQL Management Studio 2012
  6. Connect to Backup Exec Server, then choose “Databases” – “BEDB” (or name of database) – “Tables” – “dbo.device” and choose “Edit first 200 rows”.
  7. Find the device with the issue (typically use the device name).
  8. Delete the row.
  9. Go back into Backup Exec and start all services.
  10. Go to the Storage tab and re-add the backup to disk location.

That should do the trick. Thanks to “munetadmin” on vox.veritas.com.

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